Relationships are hard:Especially when they started too quickly and then children soon followed. We often find ourselves saying and doing things that aren't fair and that we don't feel good about. We often feel guilty but don't know how to stop.
Men can find new ways of coping and build healthy relationship skills by helping each other through a support group. You are not the only one. New Leaf has worked with over 2500 men who all have struggled with relationship issues. Sometimes the issues are arguing all the time, sometimes it is more serious. All can get help! New Leaf cannot help you get your girlfriend or partner back. That is her decision. We can help you change the behaviour that played a role in the relationship being unhealthy. |
What needs to be changed:Unrealistic attitudes: We sometimes have rigid ideals of what we expect of ourselves as men and what we expect of our partners as women.
Try to always be in control: We try to make our partner do what we want them to do by arguing, bullying, name calling, taking off and sometimes using physical means. Becoming explosive: In trying to control others, we loose control of ourselves. Explosive incidents can relieve our tensions in the moment, but it causes harm to our partner and our children. Men tend to bury their feelings, or can even be totally unware of them. Problem is, they tend to build up and come out as anger directed at our partner and/or children. Being poor communicators: We stop communicating. We either don't respond or we come on to strong. We end up feeling frustrated and blame her for our frustration. Not Listening: We do not listen to our partners' opinions or feelings. Instead, we tell our partner what and how they should be feeling and thinking. Fear of intimacy: As men, we are cautious about opening up to others. We see it as a threat if we allow someone to get too close to our real feelings, especially when our relationship is not going well. |