We, the New Leaf Board of Directors are pleased to congratulate Cathy Grant on her promotion
to Co-Director and to Don Gunton on his promotion to 3/4 time employee. These promotions are effective immediately. Cathy has been involved with the New Leaf Program in various capacities for almost 17 years now, while Don has been involved on different levels including serving on our Board and as volunteer, and most recently 1/4 time staff person for approximately 7 years. We would also like to extend a sincere thank you to Ron Kelly, Co-Director for his continuing involvement with New Leaf for almost 25 years. Ron is currently moving to half time hours, to assist staff, Board members, and the New Leaf program itself in making the transition to his retirement in March of next year. The Board is confident that that the quality service New Leaf provides will continue under the capable hands of its current staff.
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On Wednesday, March 2, 2016, Ron Kelly, New Leaf Program Director and Don Gunton, Counsellor/Co-facilitator, started the first in-school sessions of the Changing Male Conversations Pilot Project at West Pictou Consolidated School.
We are currently working with all the grade 7 males totaling 41 to date. We have chosen to work with them in three separate groups with each group lasting 1 hour. The young men seemed to be very open and willing to take part in this project. The first sessions were a lot of fun and we are very much looking forward to the second session will is happening today where we will begin talking about healthy relationships. Thanks again to the United Way of Pictou County for their support in making this project happen, to West Pictou Consolidated School for all their work in making this possible and to the young males who are participating. Changing Male Conversations (CMC) Pilot Project – Rolling out on Wednesday, March 2, 2016
New Leaf would like to thank the United Way of Pictou County for their support and encouragement, as well as West Pictou Consolidated and North Nova for their support in getting our Changing Male Conversations Project this far. Wednesday, March 2, 2016 New Leaf will be going into West Pictou Consolidated school to engage with young males on current issues related to how we have been socialized, providing information, generating discussions, and about making personal, individual choices that support healthy emotional development. We look forward to keeping you posted! |
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